Many Voices - One Call: Episode Seven: Every Brain is Different
The concept of neurodiversity is based on the idea that our brains are just as diverse as our cultures and languages, and that this diversity is not something we should see as a deficit or pathology. In this episode, co-hosts Jennifer and Babette are joined by guests Janine Kruiswijk, Executive Director of the Autism Society of the Greater Capital Region, NY, and SUNY Schenectady's Susanna Adams, Coordinator of ADA Transition Services, and Kim Otis, Associate Professor in the School of Hotel, Culinary Arts and Tourism. The team will discuss what neurodiverse students need and want, to feel they belong, are seen, and set up for success.
SUNY Schenectady HCAT student Melissa Deal assisted in the production of this episode. School of Music students Dawson Betrand, Michaela Staie, and David MacLeod helped us to record and edit this episode.
Please feel free to consult the Autism Society of the Greater Capital Region's website for further information on the topic.
The views voiced on this episode reflect the lived experiences and uncensored opinions of the guests; they do not necessarily capture the full diversity of attitudes within a larger community, nor do they express an official view of SUNY Schenectady.