Many Voices - One Call: Episode Three: Reimagining Music Education
How did School of Music (SOM) faculty and students respond and adapt creatively to the COVID crisis? What does the future of classical music education at SUNY Schenectady look like under the new Strategic Plan? In this episode, hosts Jennifer and Babette talk with current and former SOM faculty, alumni, and new Dean Dr. Christopher Brellochs, about innovative approaches to teaching at a time of crisis, and their vision for enhancing diversity, equity and inclusion in a discipline long seen as narrowly focused on the works of Western European composers and styles. The episode also introduces the newest project of Mark Evans and Brett Wery at the Avaloch Farm Music Institute in New Hampshire, where they were joined by SOM graduates and emerging artists Areli Mendoza-Pannone and Robert Frazier. The product of their collaboration, the song cycle "Quarry Songs" will be performed at SUNY Schenectady County Community College in the Taylor Auditorium on September 10th.
Please feel free to check the list of resources that were mentioned in the episode:
Brett Wery's homepage: https://www.brettlwery.com/
Christoper Brellochs' homepage: https://christopherbrellochs.com/
Christopher Brellochs' Music Theory Lessons on YouYube
SUNY Schenectady Wind Ensemble Recording of A Mother of A Revolution! by Omar Thomas.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVHTfXpvZ3A
Background info on the work by Omar Thomas: https://www.omarthomas.com/a-mother-of-a-revolution
Netflix documentary on Marsha P. Johnson: https://www.netflix.com/title/80189623
Article used by Dr. Keyser to spark discussion about the Stonewall Riots in her wind ensemble class: https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2019/06/harvard-scholars-reflect-on-the-history-and-legacy-of-the-stonewall-riots/
Some resources used to teach students about the history of racism in American music.
Jim Crow Museum- https://www.ferris.edu/jimcrow/what.htm
Sheet music montage- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mG5tNhf-k_g
Jim Crow Museum Documentary- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yf7jAF2Tk40
Music Composition Database- Searchable by gender identity, demographic, location, instrumentation and more run by SUNY Fredonia: https://www.composerdiversity.com/icd-works-database
Searchable database of wind literature: https://www.windrep.org/Main_Page
Contemporary Black composers you should know: https://www.cpr.org/2021/01/27/refresh-your-sonic-palette-contemporary-black-composers-you-should-know/?fbclid=IwAR1XcBNlZbL7MAuXg0VQp581ot0Gv06bSJ-9os8JiFg5HfRXMJq4GpTK9-4 Women composers by time period: https://www.oxfordmusiconline.com/page/women-composers-by-time-period
"Split this Rock" project:
The views voiced on this episode reflect the lived experiences and uncensored opinions of the guests; they do not necessarily capture the full diversity of attitudes within a larger community, nor do they express an official view of SUNY Schenectady.