Many Voices - One Call: Season Three/Episode Seven: Artificial Intelligence: The Student Perspective

Many Voices, One Call at SUNY Schenectady Season 3 Episode 7

This is a follow-up to the episode on AI that we published on October 11, 2023 under the title " Artificial Intelligence (AI): Why we need to talk about it!" As it turns out, we still need to talk about "it", but this time we wanted to get deeper into students' perspectives on using AI. Please join hosts Dr. Babette Faehmel and Alexandre Lumbala to learn more about what students think and feel about this new presence in all of our lives, about academically empowering versus self-sabotaging uses of chatbots, and the role all of us can play in protecting ourselves and our communities from the risks and inherent biases of Artificial Intelligence.

Joining us for this conversation are TRIO Academic Learning Specialist Maura Davis,  and the students Lonny Davenport (Communication Concentration), and Wesley Rush (Business Concentration).

Note to listeners: We originally expected to be joined by Kirk Winans, who  teaches the course “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence” at Hudson Valley Community College and who has extensive experience teaching foundational aspects of AI technology to non-specialists. Kirk was unable to join us due to family matters, but he reviewed the recorded episode and provided a guest commentary. You can read it here!

The views voiced on this episode reflect the lived experiences and uncensored opinions of the guests; they do not necessarily capture the full diversity of attitudes within a larger community, nor do they express an official view of SUNY Schenectady.