Many Voices - One Call: Season Two/Episode Four: Parenting as a Student: What Student Parents Need
Nationally, about one in every four community college students is a parent. Most of them are single mothers, and more than half are women of color. Compared to their non-parenting peers, these students are performing exceptionally well. Student parents are more likely to have a GPA of 3.5 or higher than students without dependents -- an accomplishment especially remarkable if one considers that they have on average only 10 hours left for sleep and homework, once class, work, and childcare is done.
Student parents are also, unfortunately, nearly twice as likely to leave college without completing their degrees.
In this episode, host Babette Faehmel is joined by student parents Amira Singletary and Amira Tracy Stevens-Salih, to discuss what students with small children need to succeed and complete college. Special guests of honor are the smallest members of the Singletary family, Aliyah, Ameen, and Amillian.
For further information and statistics, see:
- "Busy with Purpose: Lessons for Education and Policy Leaders from Returning Student Parents." Contreras-Mendez, Susana; Cruse, Lindsey Reichlin – Institute for Women's Policy Research, 2021
- A narrated Power Point presentation about Financial Aid for Student Parents, by Mark A. Bessette, Assistant Dean of Financial Aid & Access
For information on the Integrated Laboratory Preschool at SUNY Schenectady, visit the website and see below:
- The process to enroll is:
- Call 518-381-1455 and speak with "Justina", the Head Teacher,
- Schedule a visit, and
- complete application paperwork.
- The hours are 8am to 3pm.
- The MONTHLY rates are:
- Student FT $500 ( now eligible for DSS)
- Staff $600
- Community $700 (now eligible for DSS)
- Part time All (4 hours or less a day) $300
Special thanks to Tamara B. Calhoun, M.S. Ed., Tenured Professor, Early Childhood Education; Mark Bessette, Assistant Dean of Financial Aid & Access; and Stacy M. McIlduff, Vice President of Development & External Affairs.
If you are a current student at SUNY Schenectady and interested in co-hosting, please contact Dr. Babette Faehmel at faehmeb@sunysccc.edu
The views voiced on this episode reflect the lived experiences and uncensored opinions of the guests; they do not necessarily capture the full diversity of attitudes within a larger community, nor do they express an official view of SUNY Schenectady.